
鳳山丘陵 Fongshan Hills

基本介紹 Introductio


     Fongshan Hills are located on the border among Siaogang, Daliao and Linyuan districts with an elevation of 141m. Birding hot spots range eastward to County Highway No. 25, southward to Fongbitou, westward to Provincial Highway No. 17 and South Star area, and northward to Fongshan Reservoir and Dapingding, birding hot spots in Kaohsiung. You can overlook Lamay Island and Donggang on southwest and Gaoping River and Daliao downtown on the east from Fongshan Hills. Few Human disturbances and covers make Fongshan Hills a good watch site for spring migration. 21 different raptors have been recorded over the years. Moreover, ridges from Dapingding to Fongshan Reservoir, Fongshan Reservoir, east ridges near Qingshui Temple and Tantoushan, and low elevation hills from south of Fongshan to Luotuoshan are found as rooting sites for Grey-faced Buzzard and Chinese Sparrow Hawk during their migration. Forests near Yanhai Road No. 3 and No. 4 and Fongbitou are used as rooting sites by migrating raptors.

  高雄鳳山丘陵南端猛禽觀察點,介於高雄市林園區駱駝山及小港區大坪頂之間的潭頭山及鳳山頂上,共有8個;自1998年起高雄鳥會洪福龍在鳳山水庫內記錄鸕鶿時便曾記錄到灰面鵟鷹群,從1999至2003年間開始持續的於春季3月15日起,於鳳山水庫內進行灰面鵟鷹及赤腹鷹調查。2003年3月份才加入了鄭政卿鳥友一起調查,此後鳳山丘陵春季猛禽調查慢慢地成為高雄鳥會每年的重點工作,且均會將調查過程重要的發現與大眾分享(網址),詳見 http://www.kwbs.org.tw/ 高雄鳥會首頁。

     There are 8 raptor watchsites of south Fongshan Hills located on tops of Tantoushan and Fongshan which are midway between Luotuoshan in Linyuan District and Dapingding in Siaogang District. Since 1998, Hong, Fu-Long, a member of Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society has been monitoring cormorant at Fongshan Reservoir and also had recorded Grey-faced Buzzard migration. During 1999 to 2003, He conducted Grey-face Buzzard and Chinese Sparrow Hawk monitoring there every March, 15. Zheng,Zheng-Qing joined him in March, 2003. Since then, raptor spring migration count at Fongshan Hill gradually became an important program of Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society. The discoveries from the program are available online (http://www.kwbs.org.tw/)


Bird surveys are mainly conducted by Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society


交通資訊 Direction


There is no public transportation to Fongshan Hills. From Linyuan, Daliao, or Pingtung, take Provincial Highway No. 25 becomes Jin Tan Road to go up to the vantage point. From Kaohsiung city or Siaogang, take Provincial Highway No. 17 turn to Shanbian road. Drive from Dapingding and then turn to Zhaoming, Daliao. Take Jin Tan Road to go up to the vantage point.


主要遷徙猛禽種類 Main species of migratory raptors


Main species of migratory raptors: Chinese Goshawk (Accipiter solensis), Grey-faced Buzzard (Butastur indicus), Japanese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis), Peregrien Falcon (Falco peregrines), and Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) are common migratory raptors been observed at Fongshan Hills. There are also other species such as Oriental Honey Buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus), buteos, and Circus spp. Over 21 species of raptors were recorded over the years.


適合賞鷹季節 Seasons


During spring migration, Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society conducts raptor surveys during every March to early May consistently. In March, the most migratory raptor is Grey-faced Buzzard with an average of over 3,000. The peak passage of Grey-faced Buzzard occurs around 24, March. In April, Chinese Goshawk is the major migratory raptor with an average of over 25,000 and its peak passage occurs around 22, April.


資料提供:楊玉祥 高雄市野鳥學會


顯示數目 # 
標題 發佈日期 作者 點擊
2012鳳山丘陵春季調查記錄 2013-12-31 作者 超級管理員 4788
2013鳳山丘陵春季調查記錄 2013-12-31 作者 超級管理員 5094
您目前位置:首頁 猛禽遷徙網 Migration 主要過境觀察點介紹 Raptor Watch Sites 鳳山丘陵 Fongshan Hills